verse of the day

Thursday 3 May 2012

Mr Perfect.[ Luke 18 v 9 - 14 ]

Driving is not easy,so much traffic on the roads,yesterday I was reminded how dangerous it is when another driver ,sought to force himself into my lane,he should have waited, but no,out he came,there where cars on my driver side,I managed to accelerate, and got out of trouble.I should not be to hard on that driver, although  I was shaken up,for I know that I will make mistakes. No one is perfect ,even concert pianist play wrong notes occasionally,the best of footballers miss penalties,the greatest of chiefs burn the dinner,the greatest of jugglers drop what they are juggling.So today be a little forgiving for those around you who  make mistakes,who get it wrong, not only in driving, but with there finance,their children,their marriage,their walk with God. For those who yield to temptation, and commit the unthinkable,people are imperfect,and in case you think you are mister perfect, I got news for you,your not.
A  prayer...../ Dear God  help me to treat others in word and deed ,as I want to be treated,in Jesus name Amen /

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