verse of the day

Monday 7 May 2012

24/7. [1 Thessalonians 5 v17 ]

I am sure you have heard the term 24/7, there is a prayer movement called 24/7 in the book ,Red moon rising,by Pete Greig/ Dave Roberts, they write of the longest prayer meeting in history started by a group of Christians called the Moravians, it lasted for 125years , 24/7. It goes without saying that prayer is important ,but how important?, a good question,consider three words from 1 Thessalonians 5 v17, Pray without ceasing,how do they strike you?,well to say the least, very challenging,mybe they discourage you, for you cannot even begin to imagine praying without ceasing.  It appears to me that the Christian life,is a life that goes beyound any boundries,the law says ,give a tenth, our Saviour taught about a widow woman who give her all [ Mark 12 v41ff], to go the extra mile,to forgive in an unlimited way,for our righteousness to exceed the righteousness, of the religious people of His day[ Matthew 5 v20 ] So again I ask the question to myself and to you, how do you see , those words ,pray without ceasing?we will have to pray about it, and be guided by Gods Spirit.
A  prayer..../ Dear God like the disciples of old we would ask that You would teach us how to pray in Jesus name Amen

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