verse of the day

Friday 11 May 2012

Lets try a peanut.[ Job 40 v 3-5 / Romans 8 v28 ]

I have just bought a book by Tony Campolo called /Let me tell you a story/as the title suggests it is about stories,with a spiritual application,it is easy to read,as a preacher I value stories. Tony tells of, Booker T Washington  praying to God ,he asked God to help him to understand His mind,and God answered, Booker, thats a little too much for you to handle. Lets try a peanut.I smiled when I read this,and yet it is so true,the fact of the matter we cannot grasp fully Gods mind, or Gods ways, we are told this in Isaiah 55v 8-9/ For My thoughts are not my thoughts,neither are your ways my ways, saith the Lord. For as the heavens are higher than the earth, so are my ways higher than your ways, and  My thoughts than your thoughts./Job who suffered so much had to realize this, Brooker had to realize this, we all have to realize this. We look at our lives at times, and we ask what is God doing?, we look at the world and we may ask the same question.Mybe like Booker you have looked up to God, mybe through tears, and asked for Gods purpose ,and Gods mind ,on what is taking place in your life. Let us all be still before Almighty God,and just simply trust Him, He really does know what He is doing as one day we will see this. [1 Corinthians 13 v12 ]
A  prayer..../ Dear God help us to trust You in Jesus name, for You are to be trusted Amen /

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