verse of the day

Tuesday 21 February 2012

Reason enough to give up.[ John 21 ]

Yesterday we wrote of the grace of persevering and how important it is in life in general, but especially in the Christian life.The fact of the manner is there is always a reason to give up, if you are married and you are having difficulties, or a multitude of other situations, we may consider giving up. The whole generation of Israel failed to perservere, and they lost out big time, oh yes there were the giants ,[Numbers 13 v33]reason enough to draw back, and go back, which they did.Alright what are the giants in your life? , financial, people, your thorn in the flesh, unanswered prayer, your weariness, your failures with temptation. Let me say this again there will always be reasons to give up, always , make no mistake about it,one just has to consider the saints in the Bible, Job, who lost so much, suffered so much, yes he had plenty of reason to give up but he did not. Peter had a a great reason for giving up ,he of all people had denied his Lord, the very thing he said he would not do, never in his wildest dreams did he think he would deney his Lord, but he did. This was Peters darkest hour, he wished that he could undo what he had said, undo his cowardly act, and so we have him saying, I go a fishing[ John 21 v 3 ].Yes he was going back to his old trade of catching fish,instead catching men,yes there is always reasons to give up. But listen there are greater reason for going on, for persevering, ,I will mention two, the one who loves you,even Jesus, and the glory that awaits you, these are reason enough to persevere.
A prayer....../Dear God help us not to give up,grant us the grace we need,to be faithful in all things, we love You but sometimes our love grows faint,we often loose sight of the eternal glories,oh God fill us afresh with Your love,and a renewed vision of eternal glories in Jesus name Amen/

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