verse of the day

Sunday 5 February 2012

More valuable. [ Matthew 6 19 -34 ]

It has snowed, I wonder how the birds survive?,some dont but many do, because they have someone looking after them, God, we are told that our heavenly Father, feedeth them[ Matthew 6 v26]. As I look out my window ,I wonder how He is going to provide for them? I dont know but I believe He will. During their wilderness journey, Israel in unbelief asked the question,/ Can God furnish a table in the wilderness?/. Now I believe we all have our wilderness experience,it may be we are lacking finance,need a job, desire a wife /husband, a child,and so many other things,you look at a church situation, few in numbers,no one being saved,and you may not it,but in a way you may be like Israel asking,/ can God./Let me encourage you whatever you may be facing,to believe that God not only can provide but God will, he did furnish a table in the wilderness, He will feed the birds,and He will care for you, for you and I are more valuable to our loving heavenly Father, than the birds.
A prayer...../ Dear Father in heaven ,You who feed the birds even when it snows,we thank You that You have not forgotten us and our needs,in Jesus needs meet out needs Amen/

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