verse of the day

Friday 3 February 2012

Insecure.[ Romans 8 v 38 -39 ]

How secure are you? do you live as if the sky is going to fall upon you? and I not talking about Sky Tv. Let us be honest there are so many things that can make us feel insecure, recently I mentioned a soccer player who killed himself, it seems there was no apparent reason at the time. It now appears he was having trouble with his marriage,possible he thought he was going to loose his wife, and he just could not face this .Inspite of the fact that he was successful, he felt totally insecure at the thought of loosing his wife,yes so many things can make us feel insecure. The list is endless ,and of course there are many things in our past experience, that have created
a spirit of insecurity,many believe in eternal security,but when it come to the here and now we feel insecure. The result of this our lives are blighted by this,causing us and others near us pain. As I read the Bible, I am faced with people just like myself, these people at time felt insecure, and showed it, but God loved them. So today take this thought with you God loves you, that will never, never change,why? because His love for you is unconditional.
A prayer..../Dear God fill our hearts with You Love, a love that is unconditional;, in Jesus name Amen.

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