verse of the day

Wednesday 15 February 2012

Be careful little eyes. [ Job 31 v 1 ]

There are three steps usually that we see in relation to sin, we look, we desire,and then we act, I think our hearing is part of it also[cp Genesis 3 v1-5].But it usually starts with what we see ,take the sin of Achan [Joshua 7 ],when he was found out,he confessed v21, I saw,and then it started on a downward spiral, likewise Davids sin with Bathsheba [2 Kings 11] in v2 we read ,he saw. Consider that there are two ways of seeing,first there is the seeing that only considers the immediate gratification, it does not take into consideration the consequences of our actions, the cost to all involved and especially in relation to God. We fail to appreciate the hurt and pain we are going to cause, no we just see with distorted single vision, and act in ways that are horrible. Was it Amy Charmichel who said when we are tempted we should think upon eternity,when Joseph was tempted [Genesis 39 ]he saw beyond the immediate,he saw beyond selfish desire,to its consequences, how it would affect his master, and most important his God. There is a little chorus which goes,/ Be careful little eyes what you see, theres a Saviour up above looking down with tender love. So be careful little eyes what you see.
A prayer..../Dear God help us to look at temptation with spiritual vision,and not be ruled by our sinful nature , in Jesus name Amen /

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