verse of the day

Monday 4 October 2010

A person in the making.[ 1 Corinthians 1 v 25ff ]

This thought has come to me as I start to write,/ A person in the making/, what it reminds me of is that we all are in a process of change, the apostle Paul writes of the believers being changed by the Spirit of God [2 Corinthians 3v18 ]. It is very important to remember that God is changing us , that I am not the person I once was,I know there is is still much that needs changed, but I am confident that God will perfect that which concerneth me [Philippians 1v7/ Psalm 138v8]. We speak of people in a dismissive manner as if we are perfect,and say they cant be used of God, or serve God,we say this, because they appear to have certain inperfections.Let me say this, all of the greatest servants of God had their imperfections, Moses had his temper[Numbers 20v 7-11], Peter his inconsistences ,[Galations 2 ] and so one could go on. Make no mistake about it ,we are all people in the making, but here is the important thing, God will still use us in our imperfectness, if I did not believe that ,I would never preach another sermon. [Dear God, perfect that which concerneth me, and help me to see that inspite of my failings You are still willing to use even me ,in Jesus name Amen ]

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