verse of the day

Tuesday 15 June 2010

The place of safety. [ Psalm 46 ]

The life of faith is the only safe life, so wrote Thomas Case,I wonder do you agree? I believe it to be so, and yet there are times one may want it different. The believers security is not in winning the lottery, having perfect health , but simply to have faith in our God. Let us ask the question ,are the rich secure because of their riches?, no, are the philosophers secure because of their philosophy?,no, are the nations secure because of their armaments?no. The life of faith is the only safe place to be ,it saved Noah , and his family from drowning[Hebrews 11v 7], the scriptures tell us ,/ By faith the harlot perished not with them that believed not[Hebrews 11v31]/ . Faith in Christ alone saves, from sin,and satan, it saves us from Hell ,and takes us to heaven,and the life of faith will bring us safely through ,difficulties and dangers, and will cause the Lords favour to rest upon us. [ Dear God help us to walk more by faith and less by sight in Jesus name Amen ]

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