verse of the day

Friday 11 June 2010

Forgetting. [ Mark 8 v1-21 ]

In Mark 8 we read how Jesus performed a miracle,fed 4,000 people with just a few loaves and fishes,and yet shortly after this Jesus is rebuking His disciples, with the words ,/Dont you remember anything at all?/Now before we go judging the disciples, lets be honest,we are very like them, we forget so much of what the Lord teaches us,we even forget Him. We so quickly forget those times in the past in which God has undertaken for us,and in our forgetfulness we fret and worry. Today let us make an effort to remember what the preacher preached,what we have read from Gods word,and how God undertook for us in the past. He can still provide for us, open up a way for us, He has not changed,nor will He, try to remember, and as the Holy Spirit brings to remembrance,stop fretting and worrying, and start trusting. [Dear Lord forgive us for our sinful forgetfulness,stir us up to godly remembrances of all You have done for us and taught us,and help us to be at rest,Amen ]

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