verse of the day

Wednesday 9 June 2010

Loving and fearing God.[ Acts 5 v1-11]

I called in to see a friend yesterday,and he mentioned about some well known evangelist who had fallen into sin,this evangelist , who has since repented of his sin ,said that when he was sinning ,he still loved the Lord but he did not fear Him. One cannot stress enough the importance of having a fear of God,in these days there is a lack of balance,people major on the love of God, and exclude the fear of the Lord. In Psalm 111v10, we are told that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, our Saviour stressed the importance of fearing God[ Matthew 10v28],in Nehemiah 5v9 we read of walking in the fear of the Lord.Crudence in his concordance ,writes the following on the fear of the Lord,/ The fear of God ,means that reverance for God which leads to obedience because of ones realization of His power, as well as of His love to man /.[ Dear God help us to see the importance of having a proper attitude towards You, in Jesus name Amen ]

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