verse of the day

Monday 21 June 2010

He is at work. [ Genesis 50 v 19-21 ]

God is working His purpose out ,so wrote the hymn writer, sometime it does not seem like it, and yet He is, to us life may appear a mess, a tangle thread ,that can never be straightened out, to our natural senses we think, we see, we hear so much,that challenges Gods sovereignty. Like Jacob of old we can give into despair [Genesis 42v36 ], but He soon discovered the very opposite, that in fact God was working everything out for his good. God is working His purpose out even though at this time in ones life we may not see it,our prayers are being heard,and in response to them ,the answer is on its way,so let us hang in there, by faith, and we will not be disappointed. [ Dear God forgive our blind unbelief, grant us the faith, to see, that You are on the throne and You have not forgotten Your own ,in Jesus name Amen ]

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