verse of the day

Sunday 18 February 2024

No Exemption.( Romans 8 v 18 )

 Recently I received two leaflets through my letter box,one was a gospel tract,I was delighted with that,someone  was seeking to reach people for Christ,praise God.In my time I have given out gospel tracts,we don't appear to be doing that now,still there are many ways of witnessing.Then I read the other leaflet,it was a brief introduction to a church,times of services, address were the church building was.It was called ,'Winners Chapel International',very impressive,it spoke of coming to Christ and finding rest,but then it went on tell us something that really disturbed me, hear is what I read,'Christ desires for you to live a life exempted from sickness and lack and every form of hardship,he desires to take those burdens away'.My goodness I was really upset when I read that, because the word of God  does not promise that whiter it is in the OT or NT.When man sinned death entered in Genesis 2 v 17.and so we all die and let me tell you the process of dying can be pretty awful,whiter you are a Christian or a non-Christian ,none of us are exempt from that or from the sorrow of bereavement.As regards suffering Paul suffered 2 Cor 12,and no amount of prayer could change that,and at the very beginning of his Christian life he was told that he would suffer Acts 9 v 16, and he ended his days by having his head cut off. The greatest of the prophets John the Baptist suffered the same fate.In Philippians 1 v 29 ,the Christians are told, that is was given to then not only to believe on Christ,' but also to suffer for Him.'No exemption there,.Every day I pray for dear children of God  who  are being persecuted,facing hardships that are dreadful. It is said, it is the way of the cross that leads home.and rightly so.

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