verse of the day

Thursday 22 February 2024

Don't run away. ( Psalm 50 v 15 )

 Scroggie calls, Psalm 55'An Ode of the Oppressed' it is a Psalm by David, who is in dire straits, so David did what he often did, turned to prayer. It was a desperate prayer for a desperate situation and it is in those situations the prayerless pray, there is some  truth in the saying,'There are no atheists in  foxholes'. But David wasn't an atheists he was a man of God and a man of prayer,well how does he feel in  this desperate situation?.After all he was a mighty warrior, a man after God's heart, we have a very honest record as to how he felt.Here are some of the words that describe how he felt, 'troubled ,distraught,anger,anguish ,horror,trembling'.In light of that, he says,'Oh ,that I  had wings of a dove, I would fly away and be at rest',and more words to that effect.Let us take our eyes of even godly people,and let us be honest  there are times that we are overwhelmed by the problems we face,and we just cry like David,I want to be out of this,I need a rest I can't bear it no more.But then David  changed his focus, and bringing  to his God all those who were causing him such pain. Yes it may seem easy to flee,but as Scroggie says,'it is rarely noble'.So he stands his ground,an example to all of us,to not give up the fight,and tells us to do this very important thing,'Cast our cares on the Lord,and He will sustain us; He will never let the the righteous be shaken'v 22. He ends the Psalm with these profound words,' But as for me,I trust in You'.

                                                       'What a friend we have in Jesus,

                                                       All our sins and griefs to bear;

                                                        What a privilege to carry .

                                                         Everything to God in prayer.'

                                                               Words Joseph Scriven.

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