verse of the day

Tuesday 23 January 2024

Liberty (Romans 6 v 15-23 )

There are three words associated with the French revolution ,'Liberty,Equality,and Fraternity,these were proposed by Robespierre.Most revolutions are movements that seemingly want freedom, the dear land I come from had a revolution in the early 20th century .  I listened to a song recently  about a man being held in jail and was waiting to be executed,here are some words from it,'From our school days,they have told us we must yearn for liberty. And so he joined the cause,and he ended up a prisoner,and he says the following,''They'll take me out at dawn, and I  will die''.Yes there's usually a price to be paid to have ones liberty,but for all its idealism and sacrifice, it does not ,cannot, set humanity free,from their sinful nature,it is very limited,and often it can usher in greater bondage.Jesus said that those who sin are slaves to sin,(John 8 v34),and here is the fact,that means we are all slaves.(Romans 3 v23),And here is another fact many are in denial,and refuse to accept that,they think that the good they do , nullifies the sin they do,it doesn't. So what's the answer?,Christ, and only Christ,He and he alone is God's answer, only through Him can we be forgiven, and be set free from the power of sin.This was brought about through His death on Calvary,He paid the price to set us slaves free.

                                            'Would you free from your burden of sin?,

                                             come to Jesus'.





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