verse of the day

Sunday 1 August 2021

Freedom( 1 ) ( John 8 v 36 )

The movie ,'Braveheart', is about freedom,and the nation of Scotland seeking to win freedom from English rule.The main character in the movie  was William Wallace played by Mel Gibson ,it is a very inspiring part he plays. I want to highlight a number of things said by the character W.W ,first his speech to his army as they faced the English ,he asked them a question ,'What will you do with that freedom?'. it is a very good question, as one looks at history, as regards nations,and those movements that promised freedom, when freedom was won, the people found themselves with new oppressors. In the 18 th century the french revolution took place,and it ushered in what was know as the ,'Reign of Terror',led by Robespierre.  It is an unfortunate fact we do not always do what we should, with our so called freedoms,be it on a national level or a personal level.The prisoner when freed ,often goes back to their old ways, it is just a repeat performance,people when challenged about their smoking, would say ,'I can give it up I've done it many times.' Let us consider two aspects of  salvation, ( 1 )Forgiveness. (2 ) Freedom,which we will consider next time.

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