verse of the day

Thursday 13 May 2021

Wine, women, and song. ( John 10 - 7 -10 )

He is into drugs, alcohol, and sex, so his father  told me, it's like he is possessed  with a unquenchable thirst . He suffers from severe mental illness, his marriage is finished, to say the least , things will not get any better, although he is filling his life with drugs, alcohol, and sex he is running on empty.   Our Saviour told the story of a young man, we know him as the prodigal son, a young man ,like many young men, and women. We read about this  young man in Luke 15 v 11 ff  , he wanted his independence, he wanted to be free, he wanted so much to enjoy life, to taste the sweet life, in the end it all turned pretty sour. His dream became a nightmare, and instead of being filled satisfaction, his life reflected the words of an old Rolling Stone  song, 'I can't get  no satisfaction, I can't get no satisfaction. Cause I try, and I try, and I try, and I try, I  can't get no, I can't get no'.  There is an old hymn , the words go like this,

                                                   O Christ, in Thee my soul hath found,

                                                    And found in Thee alone,

                                                     The peace, the joy, I sought so long,

                                                     The bliss till now unknown.

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