verse of the day

Saturday 15 May 2021

We have a choice. ( 2 Corinthians 5 v 16 - 17 )

 I like history, it helps me understand certain present situations, I found the writings of  Martin Luther King ,JR, enlightening, and as I look at present day America ,that many people are still prisoners of their past. As indeed the land from which I come from, prisoners of their past, and so I wonder will things ever change?. I suppose things could change, if  , yes if,  what you add to that if?,  one could say a number of things, like stop  living  in the past, it is futile to live in the past, it stops people moving on.  It is sad that many Christians in the past were sucked into being racist ,and  at the time of the Nazi party, some  Christian went along with it. We cannot change what went on in the past, we do not need to be prisoners of our past. Be it as nations or individuals, Christ came to set us free from our past, first of all to forgive our past sins, everyone can be forgiven, every sin we have ever committed can be forgiven. Not only that ,He can set us free from the wrong way we think, we need no longer  be racist,   violent, abusive, or whatever  . The word of God tells us that we can have a whole new life , consider the following,' Now we look inside, and what we see is that anyone united with the Messiah ( Christ) gets a fresh start, is created new. The old life is gone;  a new life burgeons!. (These words are  based on 2 Corinthians 5 v 16 - 17 )



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