verse of the day

Tuesday 4 May 2021

Only one road. ( John 14 v 6 .)

I  was watching an old movie, there was an actor who was playing the part of an old man, and he said this, ''There are three roads to heaven''.  I wonder what you think?, one could look out on the world, and you see multiple religions, and you rationalise ,and think,  millions of Muslims, Hindus ,etc ,cannot not be all wrong. Are they not all valid to some degree doing the same thing, worshipping God?, surly they are sincere, and many of there followers are fine people, And yet  the Christian religion says no, there is only one way to God, who is a God of truth, truth is not subjective ,it is objective, it is not a matter of opinion, which  everybody has. The Bible is objective truth, on morals it lets us know what is right, and what is wrong, on salvation it tells us that we all need to be saved, because we are sinners. One of the lessons that Fyodor  Dostoevsky a famous Russian author discovered while in exile in Siberia as a prisoner, ' That man can become , more cruel and bloodthirsty than the animals'. It may surprise us if we could know what other people are thinking, and it would surprise others, if they knew what we were thinking .When the Bible tells us, that all are sinners it is based on objective truth. When it tells us that we all need a Saviour, who can deny it, of course there are none so blind as those who do not want to see. That Saviour is a historical figure Jesus, who came to die on a cross, for crimes he did not commit .A holy God said sin must be punished, Hell awaited, but Jesus took the punishment. He died  on that cross that we may be forgiven. Something wonderful happen  which is an objective truth, He rose from the dead, an historical  fact.

                                                No three roads to heaven, only one,


                                                                John 14 v 6  

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