verse of the day

Thursday 16 April 2020

Take away the 'D'. ( Ephesians 6 v 10 - 20 )

We return to looking at the devil,and how he affects humanity,in relation to what Jesus said in John 8. He had  a profound effect upon the religious leaders ,He declared that their father was the devil.The devil is not mentioned these days,sometimes he is not mentioned even in Church, I don't jest ,I think he has been relegated to the category of myth by the non Christian,and by some Christians. The Bible teaches very clearly that he exists,he is a real being ,the Bible speaks of the devil and his angels ( Matthew 25 v 41 ) Both he and they are demonic, and they have great power,their activities in relation to humanity is always negative, with the desire to destroy, ( 1 Peter 5 v 8 / 2 Corinthians 4 v 4) And one thing he is good at, is lying,you have heard the saying you cant believe a word that person says,that sums up the devil.William Barclay writes, 'Every lie is begotten and inspired by the devil ,and does the devil's work'.The religious leaders who opposed Jesus had allowed the devil to blind them,to the obvious truth who Jesus was, and what he had come to do..Jesus is the Son of God,truly God,yet truly man.he is also the one and only Saviour,whom we all need,I beseech you, to not to believe the devil ,and his lies.

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