verse of the day

Wednesday 15 April 2020

He is a murderer ( John 8 v 42 - 47 )

In Romans 1 v  25, we read, 'They exchanged the truth about God for a lie', I remember a number of years my son told me a lie, I was so angry,I confess I over reacted.One of the problems as regards humanity they are prone to lie,not only that ,they are prone to believe lies.When our Saviour spoke  to the religious leaders they challenged Him with being a Samaritan and being demon possessed.The Jews hated the Samaritans,that was bad enough but to say Christ was  demon possessed was dreadful,Jesus answered them as to the source of their attitude,and who was behind it. He told then that they were telling lies,and instead of their father being Abraham,their father was the devil.He went on to say that the devil was a murderer and the father of lies. He brought death into the world ,when he tempted man,and of course they took the bait,and   died spiritually. William Barclay says,   'The devil murders goodness, chastity,honour,beauty,all that makes life lovely. The devil murders   peace of mind and happiness ,and even love. The devil is essentially a killer'.He will destroy your life,if you let him,our Saviour came to destroy the works of the devil.and so set us free from his power.

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