verse of the day

Sunday 12 April 2020

Hope ( Psalm 23 )

Two little children were playing outdoors and one chalked on the pavement the following words,'Save our country', of course she was thinking about the coronavirus ,and those who may be infected by it and die. Yes we would say Amen to those words,but as a Christian  my concerns go beyond being saved from sickness or even death. I do pray for the sick the bereaved and for those affected by the present situation,but my concern goes further than that,and indeed much more important. First of all let me say, that as Christian ,I am suppose to be different,because God has showed me the truth as regards life that it has not come about by some impossible  freak and nonsensical process and that life is very empty with just things,wealth and prosperity.For in the end we live in a  very uncertain world,and that in a moment trials,tragedies, and disasters,can come upon us. And following us all is the grim reaper, death ,it all seems so hopeless,yes it is,if you leave God out of your life. As a Christian I have hope not based on my bank balance,my health,I know I am loved, because Jesus died for me on the cross, the greatest display of love ever manifested.I was talking to a man called Gary,he said he was an agnostic, and that the most certain thing was,that we will all die alone.I said, when I die I will not be alone,that when I go through the valley of the shadow of death the Lord Jesus would be with me.I  heard a poem by Malcolm Blackes called Easter Dawn ,It is about Mary discovering the risen Christ,she had gone to the tomb,only to discover the body of Christ was missing,thinking someone had stolen the body, she walks away,she encounters a stranger,she thought he was the gardener.He questioned her as to why she was crying she told him that someone had stolen the body,she hears the man speak one word ,Mary.The poem ends like this,'She heard the word that turned her night and ours into day'.

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