verse of the day

Sunday 4 August 2019

Church leaders. ( James 3 v 1 )

I was watching a program on Utube, a man who was introducing two Christian ministers held up a little book ,he said that he had brought his bible along,which left out ,sin,repentance, and hell. We often point to the enemies of Christianity as Islam,atheist, or communist,but there are other enemies of the church of Christ,the enemies within. What has things come to when the Methodist voted for  same self marriages , when I say the Methodist ,I mean the clergy,yes the leaders of that denomination. How far these so called leaders have strayed from their Bible roots, I personally know a person in this denomination who has told me how liberalism  has crept in, most of these ministers have forsaken the word of God,they cherry pick,rejecting those scriptures they find objectionable to their human understanding.They stand condemned by their ungodly decisions ,one must ask the question,where are they leading those  people for which they are responsible ?.

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