verse of the day

Saturday 3 August 2019

A servant for life. ( Ruth 1 v 16 - 18 )

In Exodus 21 ,there is instructions from God as regards Hebrew servants,they were not called  slaves,because God had delivered  Israel from slavery,so servant is the correct term.One became a  servant in order pay of a debt,but it was not permanent ,God commanded that on the 7th year of his service he was to be set free. but if  the servant wanted to stay with his master he would go and declare his love for his master,and that he wanted to serve him for the rest of his life. The master would take him to the judges ,and then he would take him to a doorpost and pierce his a sign that he would be his servant for life.A number of years ago there was a popular chorus ,here are the words,'Pierce my ear O Lord my God,Take me to your door this day. I will serve no other god, O Lord I'm here to stay. You have paid the price for me. With your blood you ransomed me, I will serve You eternally, a free man ,I'll never be'.

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