verse of the day

Wednesday 28 August 2019

Belief based on ?. ( Matthew 16 v 21 )

Yesterday we spoke of God's word being the truth, it is not based on mythology but on historical happens,take present Jews,they are an historical  people,and every year they celebrate an event that actually happened. It is know as Pesakh or the Passover it is a remembrance  of their deliverance from being slaves in Egypt.This is not celebrated as a myth  but of something that actually happened, likewise the writings in what we Christians call the old covenant  is actual history and religion. most people  know about the ten commandments,these were given by God to the the Jews, they still exist .Moving on ,there was a man called Albert Henry Ross, better know as Frank Morrison,the author of a number of books. The book he is best remembered for is called',Who moved the stone'.it came about when he decided to investigate the resurrection of Christ, he did not belief in the resurrection, believing it to be a myth. But as he studied the subject he  became convinced in the truth of the resurrection. ( C P . 1 Corinthians  15 )

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