verse of the day

Monday 4 July 2016

The glory.[ Romans 8 v 17-28 ]

Writing about the book of Revelation,William Barclay writes,''That it contains the blazing faith of the Christian Church in the days when life was
an agony,when men expected the end of the heavens and the earth as they knew them,and the earth as they knew them,and when they still believed that beyond the terror there was the glory,and that above the raging of man was the power of Almighty God''. Above the terror there was the glory,lift up your eyes dear child of God,lift up your eyes,beyond this world,and all the trials you may be facing to the glory,To the glory of the love of God,that
nothing can separate us from,many dear Christians have lost so much,but they can never loose their Saviour.Beyond the terrors of life,beyond the deaths of a dear Christian,there is the eternal weight of glory.Beyond the
sorrows and tribulations that children of God suffer there is the Glory.
                                 A  prayer.
Dear God help those of your dear children who are suffering the terrors perpetrated by wicked men ,help them to see the glory,also for all us who
face the loss of health,and loss of loved ones,help us as to whatever we are going through,to look to the glory that awaits us,in Jesus name Amen.

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