verse of the day

Sunday 31 July 2016

Do not judge. [Matthew 7 v 1-5 ]

I recently saw a Christian  married  friend,sitting at a cafe with another women,the question is were they involved in an illicted affair?.No the bigger question is should I be judging that situation?,the answer is no,we so
often judge others on our prejudices,our narrowness,and condemn then with so little evidence,''That is one of the reasons why our Saviour told us told,not to judge others,CP  Matthew 7 v 1ff, read these very challenging words,''Do not judge''.Our Saviour lived in a very judgemental religious society,that lived by rules and regulations,quick to condemn.CP Mark 2 v 23-27.Michael Green writes,that when it comes to judging,''We can never know the whole story....but God does.And all too often what we condemn in others are the weaknesses we dare not face up to in ourselves.'' A common fault with us who drive, we judge others even though none of us our perfect drivers.Jesus said before we start judging others,we need to first put ourselves right firstCP Luke 6 v41-42.
                                         A  prayer.
Dear God forgive our critical judgemental spirit,you alone are one we should leave judgement to ,help us ,in Jesus name Amen.

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