verse of the day

Tuesday 26 July 2016

All will be well,if...... [ Ephesians 2 v1-13 ]

Yes was the chilling answer from our Prime Minister,she was answering the
question ,would she press the nuclear button?.Her answer rang out with  chilling clarity,that left those who would threaten our nation,in no doubt
that we would respond,if attacked.Ever since mankind rebelled against God
we have been at war,with each other,and with God.Religious and political
fanatisicm is always around,and will not go away,our country sought to appease Nazi Germany,but it did not work.Mankinds aggressive nature will
continue to put this little planet earth in jepordy.What is the long term view?
annilation of every human being,will we finally have our death wish and destroy,this lovely place we live in?.If that happened will that be it,will we become space refugees?,It is hardly likely,of course what I have been saying,is purely on a human level,and that's the problem,most people live at
that level.I am a believer in God,in his word,he paints a very sad picture of mankinds nature,a nature that has blotted out God. The result of that is we
are all invected by a awful virus called sin,our whole beings,lead us on in a
downward spirrill,that we need to control but cant.Gods answer was extreme,it had to be,in order to meet the need of our extreme condition.
 His answer is seen in the cross on which Jesus died,it is through his death upon that cross,we find forgiveness,and hope,a sure and certain hope,that what ever happens ,all will be well.
                                               A  prayer.
Dear God,it is very depressing as we consider the human race,that includes
ourselves,but we thank you that through Jesus your son there is a sure and certain hope Amen.

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