verse of the day

Sunday 3 July 2016

At what levl are you at ? [ Daniel 4 ]

Sultan Bin Salman al-Saud,DIscovery 5  astronaut,said as they journeyed
into space,''The first day or so we all pointed to our countries,the third or
fourth day we were pointing to our continents. By the fifth day we were aware of only the earth''.I wonder at what level you and I are at, today as we look at life?.There is the personal level,our families,friends,ourselves,then there is our country,then the world.As I was leaving our fellowship I spoke to the pastor,he voiced concern as regards our country,and the fact that we
voted to leave the EU.He was concerned as to the repercussions of this,I 
tried to mention the sovereignty of God,but he unintentionally pushed that to the side,his concerns as to the possible repercussions took over.The one thing I try to keep in mind,is the truth that God rules over all the affairs of mankind.There are so many things are beyond our control,which the greatest minds cannot resolve,at all levels of life,in spite of all our advances.
A great and mighty King had to have a severe lesson,in order for him to
acknowledge that God ruled [Daniel 4 ]The lesson was this that God does as He pleases,with the powers of heaven,and the peoples of the earth.No one
can hold back his hand or say to Him,''What have you done?''.At what level are you at?.
                                   A  prayer.
Sovereign Lord from time and uncertainties we lift or minds to you,as to
our personal circumstances,our countries situation,or the world situation,
we ask for grace to trust in you,in Jesus name Amen.

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