verse of the day

Saturday 23 July 2016

It is impossible. [Luke 1 v37 ]

We have a new Prime Minister,the previous one is gone,one of the things he said as he was about to leave was this,''Nothing is really impossible if you put your mind to it''.I know many people have accomplished great things, nearly impossible things.People speak much of mankind's achievements,and the human spirit,if only we could hear a word about God in all our achievements.But alas the sad thing is our politicians even when they are
church goer's ,do not think He should get a mention,possible feeling their religion is a private affair,which in some way it is,but in other ways it is not.
Nothing is impossible if we put our mind to it,declares our ex-Prime Minister,is that so?,no it is not so.The primary meaning of that word means,
'not able to occur,exist,or be done',so when we say something is impossible
it means just that.Let us consider the following,'creation,dividing the Red sea,making an axe float,raising the dead,feeding five thousand people with
a few loaves and fishes,'impossible?,with man,but ,nothing is impossible with God [Luke 1 v 37]
                                   A  prayer.
Dear God we thank you that you are the God of the impossible in Jesus name Amen.

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