verse of the day

Thursday 14 April 2016

Worry [ Psalm 23 ]

Let me ask you a question ,do you worry?,well join the club,for everyone
worries.The very nature of life,will always bring uncertainties into our lives,
no matter if you are billionaire,even if you are famous,and idolised.No one
escapes those things which can cause us to worry.Our Lord did not worry,not because everything in the garden was rosey,but he had a perfect trust in his heavenly Father.Consider the story of the disciples crossing the
sea in a storm in,[Mark 4v 35ff],everyone was in danger of drowning,but Jesus was fast asleep,everyone else was fearful.Is it possible to reach that
degree of  freedom from a lack of worry,to smile at the storm,to  know
a totality of peace.?.It is a challenge,to aim at,that in a world of  full of
uncertainties, we may enter into the peace of God that transcends all
understanding. The first thing we must focus on is what scripture has to say,for it has so much to say ,that can help us.I want you read something
,but not just to read it,but think about it,pray about it as you read it,it is Psalm 23.Tomorrow we will think more about worry and how we can overcome it.
                                    A  prayer.
Dear loving Heavenly Father, you know that we worry,we bring those things that are causing us fretful,and fearful thoughts,and ask that like our Saviour Jesus we may your peace.Amen

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