verse of the day

Saturday 9 April 2016

Unchanging one.[ Malachi 3 v6]

Paul Barnett wrote,/ The God of the Bible,of yesterday,is the God of today,
powerful and active to comfort his people/.Yes the God of the Bible,that means the Old Testament and the New Testament,there is only one God.The
fact is we change, He changeth not ,in the Old God ,spoke through the prophets,at many times and in various ways.[Hebrews 1 v1]And then the writer goes unto say,/But in these last days he has spoken to us by his son/.
Jesus has not replaced God,no He was God manifested in the flesh,we read
in 1Timothy 3v16 ,the mystery of  godliness is great,He appeared in a body/.Again in Colossians 2 v9,we read,'For in Christ all the fullness of the
Deity lives in bodily form'.It is our Saviour who said,'All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me/[Matthew 28 v 18]So when we pray,in Jesus name we can rest assured that Gods power is available to work on our behalf,to do exceeding abundantly above all we can ask or think,according to the power that worketh in us[Ephesians 3 v20.] And He is also  able to comfort all his children who mourn, so let us  lift up the eyes of faith,to an all sufficient Saviour.
                                          A  prayer.
Dear God we thank and praise you ,that you never change,and that we can,
experience ,your wonderful power,and comfort ,through Jesus,Amen.

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