verse of the day

Friday 8 April 2016

My prayers are not being answered. [ Mark 14 v 35-36]

Recently a friend said to me ,prayer is not being answered,she was upset,
things where getting on top of her.She reminds me of one the prophets ,
Habakkuks,who asked the question to God,/How long,O Lord,must I call for help,but you do not listen?or cry out to you,''Violence'' but you do not save.[ Habakkuk 1 v2]Now Habakkuk was a godly man,and my friend is a godly person.So for whatever reason,they reached the conclusion that prayer was not  being answered. Now I am sure my friend has had many prayers answered,likewise Habakkuk,likewise myself.So when my friend
said prayer was not being answered,her precept was not taking into account
the times God  had answered prayer.When it comes to prayer we must
appreciate that we are limited as to,the why's and wherefore,of Gods perfect will.The fact is, our all wise God has His own reason as to why and how  He responds to all our prayers,Charles Swindle in his book perfect trust, writes,/It is a waste of time trying to unscrew the inscrutable workings of God. You will never be able to do it/.Now surely this applies to prayer,if God appears not to be answering our prayers then He has a perfect reason.Now my friend still believes in God,but is struggling with this one issue.The most important thing to do is simply to trust in our God who loves us,to just tell Him,that you trust Him,and will leave the unanswered prayer with Him.
                                          A prayer.
Dear God help us to trust You,even when our prayers appear not to be answered,in Jesus name Amen.

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