verse of the day

Monday 25 April 2016

We have a helper. [ Psalm 143 ]

Whatever task,whatever difficulty we may have to face,God is sufficient,he is in control even though it may not appear so.Listen to the whispers of Jesus,there is so much noise in this world,so many sounds in our head,so stop ,and listen,to that still small voice of your Saviour.Are you panicking?
are you struggling?,like the disciples in the storm,stop and remember Jesus was with them and He is with you,you are not on your own,Jesus is with you,and makes all the difference.Now raise your thoughts heavenward,like the Psalmist who said ,I lift up my eyes to the hills,but he did stop at the hills,he went on to say,my help cometh from the Lord who made heaven and earth[Psalm121v1-2]Who did he say was his helper?,I remember times when there was no food in the house,literally no food,and there was no money to buy any,and my children needed fed,my help came from the Lord.I remember so many times facing so much,that was beyond me,but not beyond the help of my Lord . Whatever trial you are going through ,your Lord knows all about it ,and he has the situation in hand,There is an old hymn with following ,words,about reaching the end of Our hidden resources
,consider and be encouraged that your Gods resources never run out,never.
                                      A prayer.
                       O Lord,hear my prayer,listen
                       to my cry for mercy,in your
                       faithfulness and righteousness
                        come to my relief.
                             [ Psalm 143 v1 ]

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