verse of the day

Friday 22 April 2016

Joseph. [ Matthew 6 v 9-15 ]

One of the most  lovely characters in the Bible is Joseph, you may not know anything about him,you can read about him in Genesis 37-50.He
was hated by his brothers,who sought to kill him,but instead they sold him into slavery,and he ended up in Egypt,were God showed him favour,but he was accused of a crime he didn't commit,and landed up in Jail,But God wonderfully released him,and promoted him to a position of power,after a while his brothers came into Egypt seeking to buy grain,Joseph could have
have had them killed but instead he forgave them.It is Peter who asked Jesus ,''Lord, how many times shall I forgive my brother when he sins against me?up to seven times?''. Jesus answered,''I tell you,not seven times,but seventy seven times''.Unforgiveness is not allowed in Gods
kingdom, there will always be reason not to forgive those who hurt us, or
those we love,but there is a greater reason to forgive,and that is,we have been forgiven,by God because of Jesus. W. Barclay writes,''We have been forgiven a debt which is beyond all paying-for the sins of man brought the
death of Gods own son-and,if that is so,we must forgive others as God has forgiven us,or we can hope to find no mercy''
                                      A  prayer.
 Dear God help us to forgive those who hurt us or those we love,let us
remember how in love you forgave us,in Jesus name Amen

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