verse of the day

Saturday 23 April 2016

All Gods children are special.[Romans 2 v 11]

In the life of Jacob we see the dangers of parents having favourites,it made
the others feel unloved,and the favourite son, Joseph becoming a focus of
hatred.It hurts when one member of a family is a favourite child,and it is wrong.A lady in the church in which I was a minister felt that our Saviour had favourites,now it is true that certain of the disciples are highlighted more than others,in fact we do not read much about some of them.Because they were chosen to particular leadership roles,does not mean that our Lord loved them more than the others. Let us remember that although our saviour was human,it was not a flawed humanity,being also divine he would reflect
a love for all.In Romans 2 v11 we read ,'God does not show favoritism',and
in John 3 v16,we read ,that God loves the world.It is true that God choose Israel,but that was to fulfil his saving purposes,they were loved,as all Gods family our loved.If we are part of Gods family we are loved equally,with an everlasting love,a love that is unconditional,a love from which we can never be separated  from[Romans 8 v37-39].As a loving Father,God will deal with all us in a loving way,according to his will,when we come to prayer,he hears, all his children's prayers.
                                              A  prayer.
Dear Father in heaven I thank you that all your children are special, and that you have no favourites,Amen.

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