verse of the day

Thursday 21 April 2016

Hope. [Psalm 42 ]

How are you all today?,what are you facing?,what difficulties,sickness,
adverse circumstances,concerns for your family,unanswered prayers. So how are you today?,how are you viewing life?,does it all seem to much to take in?.Well here is a word for us all,written by a man who was feeling very low,this is what he said,''Why are you cast down,O my soul?Why so
disturbed within me? Put your hope in God,for I shall yet praise Him, my
Saviour and my God''.[Psalm 42 v5] Contrary to rumours put out by the enemies of our soul,God is not dead,no He still rules and reigns ,He is still in control and always will be.So let us all like the writer of that Psalm,say
to our souls,''Put your hope in God''.Evil will not have the final say,death is not the end,Christ reigns,and one day soon we will be with Him,whither in death,or at his return.As to this life,remember.
                        God is still on the throne ,
                        And He will remember his own.
                        Though trials may press us,
                        And burdens distress us,
                        He never will leave us alone,
                        God is still on the throne ,
                        And He will remember His own
                        His promise is true,He will not forget you,
                        God is still on the throne.

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