verse of the day

Monday 11 May 2015

What God requires Micah 6 v8 ]

The prophet Micah was called to speak to Israel the divided nation,known as the northern kingdom,Samaria being its capital,and the southern kingdom
Jerusalem being its capital.From the very start of the nations split, the northern kingdom under king Jeroboam,forsook the worship of God for false worship,God continually spoke to that nation,but it never changed,and spiritually and morally ,things became worse .The Southern kingdom had the advantage of the temple reminding them of Gods presence continually,
but they also gradually forsook God and became just as evil and at times even worse than the northern kingdom. Micah was called to challenge the sinfulness of both nations,reminding them how God hates sin,and as the righteous judge would would punish their sinful  behaviour,if they did not turn back from their sinful ways.He points out what God required from them and indeed from us chapter 6v8,/  To do what is right,to love mercy,
and to walk humbly with their God/.
                                       A  prayer.
Dear God help us to rise to the challenge of Your word,to seek always to do what is right,to show mercy to all,and to walk humbly with You, in Jesus
name Amen.

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