verse of the day

Saturday 2 May 2015

Spiritual matters,matter. [ 2 Peter 5 v 6 ]

Joyce Baldwin writes,/ Our twentieth-century generations are especially
prone to ask for quick results,whereas in spiritual matters long growth is
called for./ Beware of those who come with instant answers,in relation to the growth of a soul,and beware of those who promise a troubled free life.
  It takes often years to have a nice garden,and it takes a lifetime of care,
weeding ,cutting the grass,pruning,like so many things it is ongoing. Such is the Christian life,it is ongoing,and we who have been on the way,for a long time,know  the importance of persevering ,in our daily walk with Christ.
    I have two rose bushes ,they continually need watched over,the dreaded black spot needs eradicated, also they need pruning.God is like a gardener
He is continually working in our lives,watching over us,seeking to eradicate
the wrongful tendencies,the bad habits,the wrong attitudes.The question we
often ask is why?,why am I experiencing the difficulties in my marriage  with my children?.There are a lot of things that we would rather not have in our lives,yet in Gods sovereignty,he allows unpleasant,painful things in,they are Gods teacher's. I thought I had finished with school 56years ago,but not so, the great teacher God the Holy Spirit is using all sorts of things and
experiences to  educate us,not with an head knowledge, but a transforming knowledge.
                                             A  prayer.
Dear God have Your own perfect way and will in our lives,that we may be transformed into the image of Your dear Son Jesus. Amen

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