verse of the day

Saturday 16 May 2015

Influenced. [ 2 Corinthians 10 v 3-5 ]

The present Prime Minister of India, Narenda Modi in a recent interview of
his  early childhood. Speaking on poverty,he said it touched his deepest core
that he was born into a poor family.He spoke about his mother  doing housework,in the homes of others, to earn a living.He further went on to say
,I  have lived in poverty,as a child,my entire childhood was steeped in poverty.For me,poverty,in a way, was the first inspiration of my life. I
decided that I would not live for myself, but would live for others./
 I found his remarks interesting,I suppose we are all to some degree shaped
by our past,not just poverty, I am reading a book on the young Stalin, did his past shape him,seemingly he could sing like an angel,was a gifted poet.
His background was rough,a drunken father who beat him,his mother who loved him intensely,she also beat him,did these things shape his life?
they may have had a degree of shaping him.All his life he read,and I believe
there were two books that had an influence on him,the first was ,The origin of the spices by Charles Darwin,after reading that he stopped believing in God. next one was by the Italian philosopher  Niccolo Machiavelli,on how those in power should rule,the basic idea appears to be, the end justifies the
means.These two books changed Stalin's whole life,and not for the better,as millions would testify, who lived and died under his godless rule.
                                       A  prayer.
God there are so many things that can influence us,what we read,what  we view on the TV,or the Internet.evil people have influenced millions to commit so much evil,preserve us God from being influenced by the evils without,and the evil within,in Jesus name we ask this Amen.

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