verse of the day

Monday 18 May 2015

Flee. [ Acts 17v 31-32 ]

I remember my granny telling, how during the war, when the German where bombing Belfast they used to run for safety, yes there is time to run
away from trouble.Joseph ran away from temptation,when we pray lead us not into temptation,then we shouldn't go to places and situations that could cause us to fall spiritually.David time after time had to flee from King Saul
who continually wanted to kill him,because he saw him as a threat to his
position as king. Lot and his family had to flee from the Judgement that came upon Sodom and Gororrah.Yes there is time to flee to get away from those situations and people that would do us harm.It is John the Baptist who challenged the religious groups ,he asked them who hath warned you to flee from the wrath to come[ Matthew 3 v7] . Make no mistake ,there is a day of wrath coming upon this world,you may not have given it a thought,or dismissed it ,God is love,He knows nothing about wrath,its against His nature,wrong,He is the righteous judge,and in a coming day,In Acts 17 v31 we  read,/He[God] has set a day when the entire human race will be judged and everything set right.And He has already appointed the judge[ Jesus].
                                      A  prayer
Dear God help us to see our sinful condition and our great need of being forgiven by Your Son Jesus,before it is to late. Amen.
    [I will return to my blog Saturday DV,every blessing]

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