verse of the day

Monday 4 May 2015

Misunderstood. [1 Peter 2 v 21-23 ]

It is so easy to be misunderstood you do some action with the best of motives,and people twist the things you say.Yet you know  what you did or said was not meant to harm or hurt. It is hard to cope with, but the fact is it does happen,consider the scriptures and the many who suffered at the hands of people who put the worst possible interpretation on others actions,and words.Think of dear Jeremiah how he suffered,Joseph who was hated by his brothers. Consider how much our Lord was misunderstood,his words,and actions brought upon him the wrath of so many,which ended by Him being nailed to a cross.We want everybody to think well of us,but people being what they are, this will not be always possible. Consider the
following,/ There's trouble ahead when you live only for the approval of others,saying what flatters them,doing what indulges them.Popularity
contests are not truth contests look how many scoundrel preachers were
approved by your ancestors,your task is to be true,not popular./ [TM]
So let us commit all things to God who knows our motives,who will
always judge our actions and words in a right manner.
                                        A  prayer.
Dear God forgive us when our words and actions are not as they should be,
and help us to rise above all criticism ,when our actions and words are
misunderstood in Jesus name Amen


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