verse of the day

Sunday 17 May 2015

One day [ Revelation 22 v 7-21 ]

I was struck by two words I read,/one day/,as a Christian these words conjure up  different things.For instance I was watching the news on TV and there was report of a man who battered his little child to death, I became very upset at hearing this.I know life is not all bad there is much that is good,but I also know that we live in a fallen world,we are sinners,yes even the best of people.Even the best of people can surprise us by the wrong things they do,I am glad you cannot see the Billy that's inside.Then we think
of Nepal,the Ebola crises,Islam,divorce,greed,need I go on.But here is the good news for all who love Christ, one day all will be changed,when He will burst through the line between time and eternity and the word I think will sum it up is, enough.One day He will bring in a new heaven and a new earth,yes one day ,He will make all things new, By His grace I will be part of it,the question is, will you?.
                                         A prayer.
Dear Lord Jesus hasten the day of Your coming again Amen

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