verse of the day

Tuesday 13 January 2015

Sucked in. [Joshua 7 ]

There is a little children's song which goes,/Be careful little eyes what you see,there's a Saviour up above, looking down with tender love . So be careful little eyes what you see/ The eye is called the gate to the soul,or simple the eye gate,it was that man of God who made covenant with his eyes in relation to not look upon girls,the A V, adds that,why should I think upon a maid ?[31 v1].The looking may seem innocent enough,we can easily say there is no harm in looking,but as Job well knew there can be.If we look on certain things our mind,heart can be effected.There is a song which goes,just one look that's all it took,David the man of God,the man after Gods own heart looked on a naked lady,and he descended into being scoundrel.Achan[Joshua7] looked on material riches,then he coveted them, then he took them,and brought disaster upon the nation,his family,and himself.People can get into so much trouble by simple looking and then running,.How many people have gone  into car sales room,just to look,and they end up buying a car,they did not want,or need.
      So let us take to heart the words of  that little chorus, /Be careful little eyes what you see,/,remember it only takes one look.,and we end up like
David,or an Achan,or in debt.
                                               A  prayer.
Dear God help us to keep a guard on our eyes,help us to not be sucked into
lust,and all that,this means in Jesus name Amen .

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