verse of the day

Tuesday 20 January 2015

I will build my church.[ Revelation 7 v9- 11 ]

Our Saviour said that He would build his church and that the gates of hell
would not prevail against it[Matthew 16 v18] In the 1970s in Cambodia the
Khmer Rouge devastated the population ,the church was reduced to a few thousand.Now in spite of restrictions it is reckoned that their are approx.
130.000 Christian, meeting in 2000 small congregations.Today in China
there more Christians than there are members of the Communist party.One survey has shown the following.
[1] For every African child born, two Africans are becoming Christians[in
black Africa]
 [2] There are 1.600 new Christian congregations formed each week across
the world.
 [3] There are up to 100.000 new Christians every day.
Jesus said He will build His church,He is doing it even in the secular west
we can be sure that He is building His church.Let us rejoice in that fact and
pray that in mercy,we may yet witness a great outpouring of the Holy Spirit
in saving power,in our neighbourhood,in our schools,in towns, and in our nations.
                                         A  prayer.
Merciful God we praise that you are still saving ,that our Saviour is building His church,grant that we will see a revival in the Lands and places where You have placed us in Jesus name Amen .

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