verse of the day

Monday 12 January 2015

A lovely word. [ Isaiah 9 v6]

I was just reminded of a lovely word while studying it is mainly used in the OT.  it is Shalom it means peace. / Shalom means more than a ceasing from hostilities, or the ending of a conflict. Shalom is a word that conveys wholeness. It embraces peace with God, and wholeness in relation to him,it
conveys harmony in our relationship with other people,and peace within ourselves./[ G  .Bridger]
    Let us be honest, so few know such complete wholeness,is it possible?
one would like to think so.This peace must come from God and Him alone,it begins when we embrace the Prince of peace, Jesus.It is Vine who points out that Shalom is often rendered  salvation,[ Gen 26v 31/41v16]
hence the peace offering is called the salvation offering. The wonderful thing that Christ sacrificial offering on the cross did was deal with sin,
until that happened peace with God was not possible. This happens when we trust Jesus as our Saviour,as we read in Romans 5 v1 .Therefore being justified by faith,we have peace with God through our Lord Jesus Christ.
    When that happens then truly we experience Shalom, wholeness,that peace that passeth all understanding.
                                    A prayer.
 Dear God we thank that we can know peace through Your son Jesus .Amen

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