verse of the day

Tuesday 6 January 2015

Gods perfect will. [ Romans 8 v 26 ]

David Prior writing about the prophet Habakkuk comments about his praying,/ Like us the prophet did not fully appreciate what he was asking. God who customarily answers prayer in a way far beyond our thoughts or dreams/ Consider as a parent one has had to say no to ones children,because you knew that what they wanted would have been harmful.When it comes to prayer, often ,not always ,our knowledge is limited as to what it would mean if God answered as we think He should.Paul the apostle reminds us ,
we know not what we should pray for as we ought[Romans 8 v26] We need not despair,for we are clearly told that although He may not answer in the way we desire He does answer, in a way that is is best,yet even then we may not think so, but rest assured,He does.The most fervent prayer ever prayed
ended with the words,/nevertheless not what I will,but what Thou wilt
[ Mark 14 v36] .Let us consider what that means in all our lives today,when we bring our hopes and desires to God in prayer.
                                            A  prayer
Dear God we bring all our hopes,and desires to You right now,be pleased to answer what is best for us,according to Your perfect will,in Jesus name Amen /

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