verse of the day

Friday 10 October 2014

What a day that will be.[ 1 Thessalonians 4 v 15-18]

I have just finished going through the book of Isaiah using A. Motyer's commentary.and was blessed by my time in that wonderful book.Using that commentary reminded of my time at Bible college.The lecturers would take us through the different books of the Bible,laying a foundation for us students for our future ministries.I felt very privileged to be given the opportunity to go to Bible college,and have fond memories of my time there. The college did not undermine my faith in Gods word,some colleges do,which is sad.It was an interdenominational college, the benefits of that is, it help one towards a positive attitude for all Christians,while not compromising what one held dear.There was big Wally,whose family run a farm,Bill the ex policeman,who was saved in an unexpected way,Norman who became my friend,dear Betty who served as a Deaconess for many years,Rosemary who is still serving God in South America,dear Etta who worked with  Child evangelism,and who sadly died of man cows disease. So I could go on ,these are my fond memories of the past,it reminds me that one day soon all those friends and I will be reunited again not at lecturers feet but at the feet of our risen glorified Lord ,what a day that will be for all of Gods dear children.
                         What a day its going to be when my Saviour I will see
                          When I look upon the face,of the one who saved by His Grace,
                         When He will take by the hand ,lead me to that promised land,
                           What a day what a day that will be.

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