verse of the day

Saturday 18 October 2014

Faith [ Hebrews 4 v7]

In Hebrews 11 we have the word faith mentioned 24 times,we are told that without faith we cannot please God,but when faith is exercised it pleases God,and will be rewarded[v6].Many people say they believe,yet will not exercise faith in God,in Christ,in His word,and the truths therein.Many say they believe and yet if one digs a little bit,one finds underneath the surface there is a heart of unbelief.In Hebrews 11 we read a long list of people who exercised faith,,stressing the fact that true faith in God is an independent activity. The history of Israel the nation was plagued by unbelief,as was seen
by rebellion, and continual trusting in other  so called strong nations.In the end the vast majority of so called Israelites were rejected because they had a spirit of unbelief in the one and only God. [ Hebrews 3 v19].True faith is not worshipping creation,as one considers the world and the universe,one may believe that a god created those things,but as Simon  J. Kistemaker writes,/ For the evangelist who wrote the Gospels,Jesus Christ is the object of faith,The purpose John wrote his Gospel was that his readers, may believe that Jesus is the Christ,the Son of God[John 20 v31]
A  prayer....../ Dear God help us see that true faith,starts with Jesus, Amen /
[I will return to my blog Monday every blessing]

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