verse of the day

Tuesday 28 October 2014

Tears of forgiving. [ Luke 23 v24 ]

On our onward walk with Christ,we are met with ungoing challenges,one the biggest challenges we are sure to be face with is forgiveness. The very nature of life will mean that people will hurt us,someone has come into my life recently that hurt me,I had been kind to that person,then one evening I received a phone call from that person,and they where angry,and where very unpleasant,I in all honesty did understand why they said what they did,but it hurt me,now they have come back into my life. I have tried to accept them,but would like them to keep their distance. Now if God acted that way I would never get near Him,so the challenge is for me to forgive that person,as God forgive me,and to accept them.To harbour a spirit of not forgiving others  is a very distructive thing,it hurts us,and hinders us,no matter what others do to us.Now it comes to mind what P. Yancey said about Joseph, when as a ruler in Egypt,his brothers stood before him,his brothers who had hated him,wanted to kill him,and sold him into slavery,what would he do?well he forgave them,but it was not easy,for we read that Joseph wept tears,as P.Y,writes/ it was the cry of a man ,forgiving/.Better tears of painful forgivning, than tears of bitterness.
A prayer..../ Dear God to our shame we struggle to forgive those who hurt us,inspite of the fact that You continually forgive us,help us Lord ,to forgive, in Jesus name Amen/

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